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Unusual Enrollment History (UEH)

Beginning with the 2013-14 award year, the U.S. Department of Education added the Unusual Enrollment History (UEH) Flag to the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). The purpose of the UEH Flag is to identify instances of potential fraud and abuse of the Federal Pell Grant Program. Although some students have legitimate reasons for unusual enrollment histories, other students may enroll in post-secondary schools long enough to receive credit balance payments, leave the institutions, and repeat the process at other schools.

Students with an unusual enrollment history, based on the school’s criteria, will have one of the following UEH flags and C codes on their ISIRs.

UEH Flag Value

C Code

Comment Code

Flag Description

School Action to Resolve Flag




Enrollment pattern not unusual

No school action required.




Possible enrollment pattern problem

School must review enrollment/academic and financial aid records for past four (4) years.




Questionable enrollment pattern

School must review enrollment/academic and financial aid records for past four (4) years.